Our Meetings

4th Wednesdays of the month
Formal Nights for talks, demonstrations, lively discussions and activities: 7:30pm: Heeley Green Community Centre, 344 Gleadless Rd, Heeley, Sheffield S2 3AJ.

Other Wednesdays in a month
Check out our events and Member's Hub on Facebook, as we either go out for meals and socials, contesting evenings, or we do portable evenings.

Get in touch!

Come to a  club meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month…
Venue: Heeley Green Community Centre, 344 Gleadless Rd, Heeley, Sheffield S2 3AJ.

Or, you can email us via;

  • info [AT] sheffieldwireless {DOT} org

or, you can telephone us via;

  • Peter G3PHO on (01246) 260308 
  • Krystyna G5YL on 07884 065375 in early evenings and weekends only.