Our Meetings 4th Wednesdays of the month
Formal Nights for talks, demonstrations, lively discussions and activities: 7:30pm: Heeley Green Community Centre, 344 Gleadless Rd, Heeley, Sheffield S2 3AJ.
Other Wednesdays in a month
Check out our events and Member's Hub on Facebook, as we either go out for meals and socials, contesting evenings, or we do portable evenings.
By Krystyna Haywood, on August 29th, 2018 As of September, the Ham Tests website will be no more. Sheffield Wireless would like to congratulate and give huge thanks to Paul M0TZO for his tremendous work in maintaining such a valuable and highly commendable website resource. One can only presume that with the one person now working on the site, and with […]
By Krystyna Haywood, on March 2nd, 2018 We’re very pleased to present Krystyna 2E0KSH’s latest video offering, a presentation on Technical Basics for Foundation Students. We hope you will find it of interest and of use in your learning.
By Krystyna Haywood, on November 23rd, 2017 Sheffield Wireless are starting a Foundation Course in January with both Krystyna 2E0KSH and Ian 2E0IEB jointly leading the courses. The course is FREE, open to all, and runs on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the panel room at the Rutland Hotel, and then we have a social drink downstairs in the bar time permitting. […]
By Krystyna Haywood, on October 25th, 2017 We’d really like to pass on our huge congratulations to Jayne Severn, 2E0SVN (now M0JNE), who has become the first YL member of Sheffield Wireless to gain a full licence during the Society’s most recent history. The result, she got 95% for the full exam with just 3 questions wrong. Yup! Just three!
An excellent […]
By Krystyna Haywood, on September 17th, 2017
It’s a true fact that the more you attend a club, the more likely you will remain interested in the hobby, especially as different topics are introduced, people get together and become enthused in moving the hobby forward, making good friends along the way whilst getting involved in what is a fantastic hobby. The […]
By Krystyna Haywood, on November 15th, 2016 We’re pleased to announce the next video installment for the Foundation Licence Now course on the theme of Safety in Amateur Radio.
By Krystyna Haywood, on November 7th, 2016 Sheffield Wireless is delighted to present as part of the RSGB Foundation Licence Now Course. This video was created and prepared by Registered Trainer, Krystyna 2E0KSH, who presents a module based on the Nature of Amateur Radio. Lasting roughly and hour and a half, this PowerPoint video presentation is expected to give you a good […]
By Krystyna Haywood, on November 7th, 2016 Sheffield Wireless is delighted to provide an Introduction YouTibe Video as to what’s involved in the Foundation Licence Now Course. Created by and led by Trainer Krystyna 2E0KSH, we are offer this as part of a distance learning initiative, becoming one of many amateur radio societies up and down the UK who provide training to […]
By Krystyna Haywood, on September 6th, 2016 Sheffield Wireless is providing a 2E0 Intermediate Course starting from the 9th November 2016, once foundation training is completed in October.
This is a straightforward course using a range of learning materials, and will mainly be a learning dialogue between Krysytna 2E0KSH as tutor and you the student. Krystyna is not registered to train 2E0 […]
By Krystyna Haywood, on May 1st, 2016
A few things regarding Foundation, Intermediate and Full Training. We welcome new members who join us and participate to take up continual learning, one of the huge benefits of free society membership.
The main news is that 2E0 Intermediate students aim to attempt for the exam at the end of July or beginning of […]