Our Meetings

4th Wednesdays of the month
Formal Nights for talks, demonstrations, lively discussions and activities: 7:30pm: Heeley Green Community Centre, 344 Gleadless Rd, Heeley, Sheffield S2 3AJ.

Other Wednesdays in a month
Check out our events and Member's Hub on Facebook, as we either go out for meals and socials, contesting evenings, or we do portable evenings.

Morse Drive (c) (draft)

Learn Mode Code, unconsciously, on your daily journeys…

Morse Drive (c) is the brainchild of Krystyna Haywood (2E0KSH). The idea is a simple one which uses aspects of unconscious learning and we want to use this to help raise funds for a local charity (blurb here) in conjunction with (blurb here)

Do traditional Morse learning methods work?

Yes, they do in their conscious form..!! We’re not going to debunk that method here because it works, but it’s also hard work to learn too… That aside, knowing that traditional learning processes and outcomes can be conscious and unconscious, it’s worth realising that unconscious methods for learning Morse is perhaps rarely used. This is rather surprising when you consider that the best way to start learning Morse Code is simply to listen to Morse regularly and repetitively until it comes naturally in your mind.

Learning Morse Code in Amateur Radio has always been a conscious effort, where the student concentrates fully on listening to the sounds of Morse code, often using one of the two basic methods known either as Koch’s method or Farnsworth timing. The main barriers for amateurs when learning Morse code are a combination of time, effort, apathy and attitude. This will perhaps explain the lessening interest in one of the most important points of amateur radio today.

To put it in technical terms… our unconscious processes range from registering information we learn in the sensory memory to mentally forming associations within or between information patterns and activating associated memory networks. Morse Drive listeners could acquire and access, rather quickly, the knowledge of Morse without any deliberate or controlled attention, learning unconsciously.

To put it in simple terms… just like you listen to music CD’s or the radio, you unconsciously learn the words and the songs over time. Instead, why not listen to Morse code and learn the letters whilst you are focusing on making your journey each day, or for any journey that you make.

So, should we start to learn unconsciously instead?

If it is recommended to spend 15 minutes a day listening and lets say the average person takes a daily journey of 30 minutes, then there is an opportunity to quadruple the learning opportunity in return journeys with no time being taken up, no effort, avoids apathy and leaves you with a positive attitude to learn, listening either in the car, on the bus, when walking, running, biking and so on. You are, if you like, getting into the driving seat for learning Morse code and it’s a great way to learn to boot. This is where Morse Drive(c) comes into the fore…

Remember, when driving and listening to music, you must not be distracted from driving which could result in dangerous driving and an accident. If you are stopped by Police you could receive a fine or a ban for any dangerous driving.

What’s on the CD

  1. The Rhythm of the code by Phil Kawa
  2. Morse Code Numbers by Tim Mauri –
  3. Morse Code Song by Andrew Crawford VE1VAC – issued on a Creative Commons Attributions licence


There are 2 options for getting into Morse Drive (c)

  1. The Easy Way – Purchase a made up CD which is a not for profit basis to cover costs with a donation of £??? to (charity blurb here). Send an email using our “Contact us” link above.
  2. The Hard Way – You can create your own CD below using the 3 tracks as shown here in MP3 format. But dont forget to make your own donation (blurb here)

Here’s the 3 tracks used on the CD

1) Phil Kawa produced this very exciting music track as a great way to learn Morse, which we’ve incorporated as the most effective track for learning Morse Code unconsciously. Alternatively you can purchase this track in Apple iTunes.

Tim Mauri produced this easy track to help you learn the numbers, easy when you consider the obvious sequence of numbers…


VE1VAC has the song below under a “creative commons license attribution” This means that you can use the song for any purpose so long as you give credit to VE1VAC.
