Sheffield Wireless are starting a Foundation Course in January with both Krystyna 2E0KSH and Ian 2E0IEB jointly leading the courses. The course is FREE, open to all, and runs on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the panel room at the Rutland Hotel, and then we have a social drink downstairs in the bar time permitting. If you are under 18 and interested in taking part on the course, this is fine, but you must bring a parent or a responsible adult with you.
The first session is on Wednesday 10th January from 7:30pm. Buy yourself a drink at the bar, and meet us in the panel room at the Rutland Hotel. Just turn up and be ready to enjoy! Attached by clicking here is a copy of a Plan and Structure for the Foundation course. You will find at the back of the document is a calendar indicating the course content.
The advantage of our structure is that you can join the course at any time, but then carry over to the next course, so you can jump in and not miss anything. It is highly likely that some practical tests will carry over onto 1 or 2 Saturday mornings at a location to be agreed.
We provide two Foundation courses a year with exams in June and December, or optional exams in March and September. So it could take from 3-6 months. We have no subscriptions of membership fees, but the only cost is the exam which is currently £27.50. We take a fairly relaxed approach which we find is a good quality method of learning with no pressure, although you can self learn much quicker. The issue is the requirement for completing the practicals. Whilst the exam is important, our purpose is not to help you pass the exam, which is what we’d like you to achieve, our purpose is to help you become competent and confident radio amateurs…
We do plan to have a full itinery of YouTube videos for the whole course, although a limited few current versions which need greatly updating, can be found here… The videos give a useful lesson if you happen to miss a session, and helpful for to viewing again. We expect to to have a full suite of new videos completed by January ready for your use.
If you have time to pop in and introduce yourselves, we are open on the 6th December where we hope to have a talk from Peter Day who’s callsign is G3PHO and we’re also around on the 13th December too from 7:30pm for a chat. We are closed on the 20th December owing to the Society’s booked Christmas meal event.
Meanwhile, feel free to join our member’s hub on Facebook. We always say to everyone that being in a society or a community certainly helps to keep you interested and stimulated in what is a fantastic and interesting hobby. Link here
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